In order for all users to equally enjoy the server together, DRG has created the following set of rules that all must follow:
- #1 Rule - Be Kind to others.
- No raging. Just as you can be expected to be removed from a public area if you throw a fit in real life, so too here If we find someone of any age raging, they will be given a warning. If it persists, temporary bans will be given.
- Be respectful of others. Respect others just as you would want them to respect you. Just like the #1 rule.
- No tolerance for swearing, the posting of offensive content, bullying, or harassment of any kind.
- Do not spam the forums. This includes advertising your personal youtube/twitch channels.
- For your own safety, please refrain from posting any personal information on the forums. (e.g., full name, address, phone number, etc.)
- No Sharing or distributing copyrighted content.
- Refrain from trolling. Remember, respect others.
These terms my be added to, changed, or otherwise modified at any time.