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Showing most liked content on 01/15/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Hello there human lifeforms! My name is Mike, but I largely go by Paronity. Just about everywhere I go virtually, I am Paronity. The only definition that I have for that word, is my avatar. My little blue dude made out of a controller. That IS a Paronity. That's all there is to it, really. I was having a chat with a good friend of mine about gaming communities and children not having any good place that they can call "home" that we can assure that they are safe. Most of them target adults, or at least individuals that are older than 18 years old because it's less work to keep track of those people. While this may be a true enough philosophy, the kids need a safe place that they can enjoy this environment that we have always been a part of. Gaming is a huge part of who I am and always has been. I would have loved to have a place that I could turn to before I knew everything that I know now. Some place that I could go to and know that the people that were on the other side of the keyboard were there to give me the best and safest experience I could have. That is what we are trying to do here at DRG. I am an avid gamer, software engineer, and security analyst. I, additionally, am a proud father of four wonderful children that have tested my security skills continually for years now. They continue to do that on a daily basis. Thanks to my personal experiences, as well as professional training, I will be able to ensure that we are running the servers and services that we offer in the safest way possible to create an environment that is secure and safe for both kids and parents alike. I am confident that with @emttim and I at the helm, that we will always have the kids and your families safety at heart. BE sure to let me know if you have any questions about us here at DRG, or about myself.
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