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Gaming Glossary

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Hello there!

Getting familiar with terms within the world of gaming can be a bit daunting. In fact, it can be scary. We, Dads Rule Gaming, thought of that, and want to help you get a head start. Hear or read a term you don't know what it means? Search for it here! We are always updating this glossary. If you hear a term you don't know, and you can't find it here, send us a note! We will gladly help you out!


  • AFK: Away from keyboard. Generally said through a chat to mean they are leaving their computer momentary.
  • Bot: a computer generated action can be referred to as a bot. When you sign up for our site, a bot sent you a confirmation email. No human was used in the process.
  • Capitalizing all words: On the web, this is considered yelling. 
  • Client side: A term referring to your own personal computer. If someone says, "This is something you need to update client side" it means that a file on your personal computer is in need of updating.
  • Crafting: A game mechanic that allows the player-character to construct game items.
  • Farming: Repeating a battle, quest, or other part ofr a game in order to receive either experience point, game money, or specific reward items that can be gained through the battle or quest. See grinding.
  • FPS: An abbreviation for first-person shooter; or an abbreviation for frames per second. 
  • Frame Rate: A measure of the rendering speed of a video game's graphics, typically in frames per second.
  • GG: An abbreviation for "Good Game"
  • Grief: A player who does things in a game to deliberately cause annoyance ("grief" in the sense of "giving someone grief") for their own enjoyment. Examples include half-killing on purpose, constant suicides, and targeting specific players. This is a bannable offense.
  • Grinding: Performing a repetitive and time-consuming action in a video game before being able to advance. 
  • Noob: (can also be spelled n00b) Referring to a "new" player. Or someone who does something that resembles a new player who doesn't know what they are doing. "Johnny, did you just starve to death in the game?" "Yes" "What a noob."
  • Raging: Getting extremely mad and upset. Often includes doing something stupid or irrational (destroying someone's or your own items in game, smashing your keyboard, headphones, or screaming either in voice chat or in text)
  • RPG: Role Playing Game
  • Server balance: Teams are unbalanced. (More players on one team than the other.) Usually a bot will shuffle teams for a better balance.
  • Server: A machine that runs programs. This could be games, websites, forums, etc. 
  • Spamming: Repeatedly posting or sending the same or near same text to get attention.
  • TL;DR: Abbreviation for "Too Long; Don't Read" It usually follows a very langthy post, while usually offering a one paragraph explaining the jist of the article. 
  • Trolling: "as it related to the internet, is the deliberate act of making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments on various internet forums with the intent to provoke an emotional knee jerk reaction from unsuspecting readers to engage in a fight or argument." In other words, its being annoying for annoying sake. 



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